Cooking Oils Fats Market Share Analysis
While households don't produce as much used cooking oil as big food manufacturers and restaurants, collecting it from homes poses its own set of challenges. Compared to food makers and restaurants, households generate a relatively smaller quantity of used cooking oil per household unit. This is partly because arranging appropriate logistics for collecting used cooking oil from homes is difficult, and also because many people are unaware of the economic value of used cooking oil.
In the European Union, statistics reveal that around 52% of households simply discard used cooking oil in the garbage, while another 21% flush it down the sink. The limited awareness of the economic potential of used cooking oil among households is evident in these disposal practices.
However, an interesting trend has emerged, especially since the start of the pandemic. Various do-it-yourself (DIY) activities have gained significant prominence, and making soap and candles at home is one such activity that has experienced considerable growth. Interestingly, the DIY soap-making process often incorporates the use of used cooking oil and other manufacturing waste. This trend has been fueled by the increasing amount of content related to DIY soap-making on social media platforms.
Moreover, countries within the European Union are recognizing the need to develop efficient models for the collection of used cooking oil from households. This recognition is expected to lead to improvements in the collection process, thereby boosting the quantity of used cooking oil sourced from households between 2022 and 2030.
In essence, while households may not be the major contributors to the used cooking oil stream, changing trends in DIY activities and increased awareness initiatives are expected to play a significant role in enhancing the collection of used cooking oil from homes. As the European Union focuses on more efficient models for collection, there is potential for increased participation from households in contributing to the recycling and repurposing of used cooking oil, aligning with broader sustainability goals.