Top Industry Leaders in the Performance Enhancing Drugs Market
Latest Performance Enhancing Drugs Companies Update
Athletica Biosystems company is developing a saliva-based test for detecting growth hormone, a commonly used PED, aiming to provide a more convenient and accessible anti-doping tool.
Bend Therapeutics biotech company is researching novel drugs to improve muscle strength and endurance through gene editing technology, potentially offering a legal and ethical alternative to traditional PEDs.
WHOOP company's wearable device tracks sleep, recovery, and strain, helping athletes optimize their training and potentially reducing the need for PEDs to achieve peak performance.
GPSports company's training platform analyzes data from wearable devices and provides personalized training plans, allowing athletes to improve their performance without resorting to PEDs.
True Nutrition company offers personalized protein powder and supplement blends, allowing athletes to tailor their nutritional intake to their specific needs and avoid potentially harmful PEDs.
List of Performance Enhancing Drugs Key Companies in the Market
- Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited. (India)
- Eli Lilly and Company. (the U.S.)
- Balkan Pharmaceuticals. (Europe)
- Onnit Labs, LLC. (the U.S.)
- Douglas Laboratories. (the U.S.)
- Bayer AG (Europe)
- BrainAlert, LLC (U.S.)
- AstraZeneca (Europe)
- Novo Nordisk A/S (Europe)