Latest Ontogenetic Companies Updates:
Evonik Industries AG announced the development of a new bio-based polyamide resin for use in high-performance coatings.
Neste Corporation launched a new line of bio-based lubricants made from renewable resources.
DSM NV partnered with a startup to develop a bio-based adhesive for the construction industry.
Organovo successfully printed a miniature human liver using their bioprinting technology.
3D Systems Corporation acquired a company specializing in biocompatible materials for 3D printing of medical devices.
Medtronic plc developed a new robotic exoskeleton that mimics the natural movement of the human leg.
NVIDIA Corporation launched a new software platform for accelerating drug discovery research.
Illumina developed a new gene editing technology that promises to be more precise and efficient than existing methods.
Microsoft Corporation invested in a startup developing a software platform for simulating complex biological systems.
List of Ontogenetic Key companies in the market
- ANT Neuro (the Netherlands),
- EMS Handels Gesellschaft mbH (Austria),
- Natus Medical Incorporated (U.S.),
- Ontogeny, Inc (U.S.),
- Symbiotic Devices (Australia)