Top Industry Leaders in the Nuclear Decommissioning Market

*Disclaimer: List of key companies in no particular order
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July 2023
With Babcock International Group, HII is pursuing opportunities in the United Kingdom and the United States related to nuclear decommissioning and construction work for the naval and civil sectors.
The firms have an agreement to leverage their complementary skills to fulfil nuclear decommissioning contracts for U.S. ships and British submarines. The collaboration will additionally aim to improve worker competencies and increase capacities to back U.S. and U.K. initiatives.
Based in the United Kingdom, Babcock is an aerospace and defence corporation that also has operations in France, South Africa, Canada, and what it refers to as "Australasia," which is a collective word for New Zealand, Australia, and a few smaller Pacific islands.
Notably, the release also states that the firms will investigate how they might support the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) programmes by combining their combined capabilities as world leaders in defence. That appears to be a direct allusion to the UK and Australia's intention to begin purchasing new SSN-AUKUS nuclear submarines in 2040.
June 2023
The US-based Westinghouse Electric Company and EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (NGL) have extended their agreement for Westinghouse to deliver fuel from their fuel fabrication facility in Springfields, UK, to the UK's Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors (AGRs).
At its four operational AGR NPPs in Heysham (units 1 and 2), Torness, and Hartlepool, NGL will keep producing power. Producing fuel for its NPPs, Springfields is the sole commercial fuel manufacturing facility in the United Kingdom.
Nuclear decommissioning specialist Westinghouse has experience decontaminating, deactivating, demolishing, and dismantling nuclear power stations.
Top listed global companies in the industry are:
- GD Energy Services (Spain)
- Enercon Services Inc. (Germany)
- Nuvia Group (France)
- EnergySolutions (U.S.)
- Westinghouse Electric (U.S.)
- AECOM (U.S.)
- Studsvik AB (Sweden)
- Babcock International Group PLC. (U.K.), and others.