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Globally More than Half of Carbon Emissions from Top 10 Percent of Carbon Emitters

By Shubhendra Anand , 11 March, 2025

Climate change is a concerning issue that can impact the day-to-day lifestyle globally. Carbon emissions are a significant threat responsible for climate change issues. Carbon footprints drive the emissions rate and lead to adverse climatic conditions, resulting in economic losses. A survey conducted by Nature shows that the top 10 percent of carbon emitters are responsible for half of total global carbon dioxide emissions in 2024. The study reveals carbon emissions from different sectors of the population across nations.

The top cream layer of the population, accounting for 10 percent, emits about 47 percent of carbon footprints globally. It is represented by the study by the reputed 'Nature Sustainability' in 2022. The detailed insights are given by reports from the journal's study in 2024. It shows the division of carbon emissions from different sections of the population. It shows the economic condition of the nation's population playing a pivotal role in climate change.

The top 10 percent of the world's population contributes to carbon dioxide emissions. Simultaneously, the bottom 50 percent of the world's population emits significantly less carbon than the top layer. Further, the studies reveal that an individual from the lot of bottom 50 percent emits only one ton of carbon annually. However, global carbon emissions are different from each region across the world. Regional differences of this kind come from the economic state of each nation. For instance, developed nations contribute more towards carbon footprints. This is due to higher consumption levels from different types of transportation, energy production, and travel, among others.

Further, developing nations economically define their way of living. This leads to the energy consumed and the type of transportation used. Hence, the economic stability of different nations drives its global carbon emissions.

Researchers admit that region-specific strategies to control carbon emissions are necessary. Therefore, it is evident that nations around the globe are expected to take the measures required to bring down carbon emissions. It will help to beat climate change patterns effectively. Policymakers are planning to address the critical issue of increasing carbon emissions in the environment. The main motto behind reducing carbon footprints is a sustainable future with zero emissions. Further, it is crucial to address the critical issue of imbalance in carbon footprints to promote climate change.

Contribution of different nations towards carbon emissions across the globe till December 2023:


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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research