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Upgrading Older Power Lines In The US For Clean Energy Transition

By Shubhendra Anand , 12 July, 2024

Clean energy transitions are increasing the energy sector's potential to find different ways to advance the transformation process in 2024. Recently, reconductoring has gained much attention to be adopted by various investors in the energy sector. This is due to the growth and transformation happening in the energy sector of different economies. Researchers found a new method to increase the grid capacity in the United States in 2024. The latest study suggests upgrading older power lines in the United States in 2024.

The process of reconductoring includes replacing the existing conductors carrying currents with higher-capacity conductors in the transmission lines. The new method of adapting the idea of reconductoring will involve replacing old power lines in the United States. It is expected to increase the productivity of the United States grid capacity. Hence, it will accelerate the clean energy transition in the nation to be accomplished up to 80 percent by 2050. New advanced reconductoring techniques include improving the older power lines in the United States in 2024. It is difficult to build new power grids due to several restrictions from the energy sector in the nation. Therefore, upgrading old grids in the United States will help transform green energy. It will accelerate the process faster than setting up new power grids nationwide. Experts also suggest replacing older power lines with advanced materials, increasing the space for other renewable energies, like wind and solar energy.

According to the research data, the reconductoring process will increase the transmission capacity of the cables in the United States. By reconductoring older cables in the United States with advanced materials, they can carry more current than newly built transmission lines. Transforming older transmission lines can cut the cost of new infrastructure; hence, clean energy can be provided to consumers at a cost-friendly price. Therefore, reconductoring with older cables can accelerate the process of clean energy transmission in the United States

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Transmission Infrastructure Plays A Pivotal Role In The Clean Energy Transition

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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research