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Sustainable Consumption Drives Ethical Consumption in the US

By Shubhendra Anand , 11 September, 2024

Ethical consumption is a new trend in the market that is growing with sustainable options. It includes the purchasing decisions that consider environmental and social values in the market. Ethical consumption pays heed to certain market aspects, such as sustainable consumption, environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical production. Ethical consumption by the consumers of the United States is an essential trend of 2024.

According to several surveys, United States consumers are opting for ethical consumption at a growing pace in 2024. Consumers' increasing interest in sustainable consumption lays down several points. Sustainable consumption is an essential aspect of ethical consumption as it supports the current trend of green transformation. Sustainable consumption focuses on the sectors that contribute to the environment's energy transformation. It includes waste disposal, economic industry, public health, sustainable farming, consumer education, and others. The most crucial factor in sustainable consumption is sustainable agriculture. It can provide chemical-free products to consume and reduce the dependency on fertilizers. It is helpful as long-term usage of chemical-based fertilizers leads to the deterioration of the land.

Along with that, it causes certain harmful impacts on the climate. However, sustainable farming increases the chances of organic manure, which enhances the waste disposal system. Hence, these two aspects of sustainable consumption, agriculture and waste management, are interlinked. However, many other factors, such as the nation's economic sector, contribute to sustainable consumption. The United States can strengthen its economy if consumers continue investing in sustainable consumption. It is due to innovative ideas that new industries are set up and efficiency in the production of earthy products is achieved. These two reasons can enhance the chances of sustainability with green production and less environmental emissions.

Therefore, experts claim that sustainability and environmental responsibilities are the main factors influencing ethical consumption. It is easy to attain sustainability by 2050 as the growing number of consumers prefer sustainability in all market aspects.

Consumer’s Behavior Towards Sustainable Consumption


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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research