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Belgian Offshore Wind Energy Firm to Operate Sea Electric Charging Station in 2024

By Shubhendra Anand , 15 January, 2025

Advances in the energy sector will improve gradually in 2024. Many experts view that energy transition is the leading cause behind this fast development in the energy sector—a recent innovation in the energy sector resulted in the first electric charging station at sea in 2024. A Belgian offshore wind energy firm, Parkwind, plans to set up electric charging stations at sea. This cutting-edge idea emerges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Further, it will enhance the clean energy transition, too.

Data from recent developments on electric charging stations set up at sea aims at the transportation of vessels, too. The primary aim of wind energy firms at sea charging stations is reducing carbon emissions—Parkwind plans to use locally harnessed renewable electricity to run this sea charging station in 2024. The company aims to decrease carbon footprints substantially in the environment. The main motto behind this charging station is to generate clean energy. Therefore, it is a great innovative idea to set up electric charging stations at sea. Renewable energy generation is expanding its territory rapidly.

Further, both onshore and offshore wind energy production aims at clean electricity generation in 2024. Experts cite that fueling sea charging stations with wind energy can be cost-effective and reduce energy transportation. It will help to reduce the cost of energy harnessing effectively.

According to data from Parkwind, these sea charging systems can charge Crew Transfer Vessels up to 2 megawatts and Service Operation Vehicles up to 8 megawatts. Additionally, it can also supply offshore power to other conventional offshore sea vehicles on backup. Thus, it will effectively reduce the emissions from diesel generators and promote sustainability.

        The figure shows Europe's leading countries data on offshore wind energy deployment:


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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research