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Amazon Web Services Ranks Higher In The Cloud Infrastructure Market In 2024

By Shubhendra Anand , 15 July, 2024

The global cloud market is dominated by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft at the beginning of 2024. The cloud infrastructure has grown over the years with the latest developments in the technical field. It is necessary to keep up with the cloud infrastructure in this world of artificial intelligence in 2024. Survey shows that Amazon web services rank higher in the cloud industry, leaving behind others in 2024. Retailers find Amazon Web Services to be a trustworthy cloud platform. Thus, Amazon's web services will be the most sought-after cloud platform in 2024.

Based on the surveys, amazon web services surpass other cloud industries to rank higher in position for the first quarter of 2024. AWS overcomes Microsoft as the latter slowly underperforms and reaches closer. However, Microsoft has served as the main market competitor for Amazon Web Services throughout all these years regarding cloud platforms. Microsoft has increased its Azure market share to 25 percent in the first quarter of 2024. It is noted that it has an all-time high market share in the cloud infrastructure market. According to a survey in 2024, Amazon Web Services acquired 31 percent of the market share globally. The market share for AWS was 32 percent globally in 2023. However, AWS, Microsoft, and Google together form a big-three group with 11 percent of the market share compared to others. The reported data shows that other cloud platforms are limited to lower single digits for the market in 2024.

According to the cloud market scenario, the cloud infrastructure is reportedly to spend up to USD 76 billion in 2024 globally. The overall expenditure in the cloud infrastructure for 2024 has increased by 21 percent from 2023, which is USD 13.5 billion. However, AWS ranks higher than other cloud platforms due to better management of services and better provision of granular control over security policies. The cloud computing business is compelling big companies to develop their performance and improve innovation.

                     AWS Performed Better Than Other Cloud Platforms In 2024

Amazon Web Services Ranks Higher In The Cloud Infrastructure Market In 2024

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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research