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AI Driven News Finds its Way to Users and Preferred More than Website News

By Shubhendra Anand , 20 September, 2024

Technology is advancing rapidly with the introduction of specific tools in 2024. In the era of artificial intelligence, technological advancement is the new source of upgradation. Various sectors benefit from integrating advanced technologies into their work sites. However, some cons must be solved soon, or technology may overpower human efficiency. Hence, artificial intelligence and generative AI give rise to specific tools that show solutions at a click.

Different companies have made tools with the help of artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and the like. The problem arises when people depend on these sources only. Experts claim that social media has become the global hub for the latest happenings. People's internet usage is growing daily as consumers' behavior towards tech has changed. The simplification of devices from personal desktops to smartphones helps a lot.

Similarly, smart technologies in smartphones lure users. Hence, consumers are more driven toward artificial intelligence nowadays. Tech users across the globe are seen to access the news through social media the most. There is a lack of surfing through news websites and apps for updated news in 2024. This is due to the changing interface of social media apps and users' affinity towards the new technologies. Social media apps use AI algorithms to keep track of data and browsing history to feed users the content based on it. Hence, it becomes easier for the social media apps to attract users. Simultaneously, consumers opt for social media as the primary source of news.

According to experts, it will directly impact authentic news sources, such as websites and channels. The significant downturn in consumers' growing attraction to social media news is that consumers get only algorithm-based feeds. This is an excellent gateway for the entertainment industry but a threat to major political and national events. Thus, artificial intelligence creates an easy path for consumers but hampers the quality with such shifts.

                       Social media access to news is more compared to websites


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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research