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AI-Based Companies May See Less Investment in 2024

By Shubhendra Anand , 18 July, 2024

Artificial intelligence has controlled the growth and fall of technological companies for the last five years, and 2024 is expected to see a rapid ascendance in technical companies. The new technological advancements reflect the growth of specialized companies to flourish further in 2024 with new developmental plans on the list.

According to surveys, 2023 was essential for technological advancements, with different ventures and new developments throughout. The year 2024 is expected to be balanced with a different position of artificial intelligence in the market. Experts believe that investment in artificial intelligence will be less as the prices of AI-based companies skyrocket in 2024. However, other sources mention investments of around USD 100 million or more in the book for 2024. In the last phase of 2023, investors of the big tech companies were seen to be less interested in the only artificial intelligence-based companies to invest. Development with generative AI has emerged as a significant development in 2023 with large language models and co-pilots in the technical market.

Based on a survey conducted for 2023, seven technical companies in the list start with Nvidia, followed by Meta, Tesla, Amazon, and others. Further, experts conclude that generative AI transforms the face of digital transformation and aids in the growth of big techs. Due to financial risks, corporations may avoid investing more extensively in artificial intelligence. Since the availability of raw materials has reduced, it may continue into 2024, leading to high product prices. Therefore, large language models and artificial intelligence may slow down somewhat from the investment viewpoint in 2024. Artificial intelligence requires more money to maintain the developmental process, but a lack of investment may hinder the process in 2024.

                                    Growth of Artificial Intelligence in the Period 2015-2026

AI-Based Companies May See Less Investment in 2024

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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research